{# templates/artisan_v2/devis/ar_mes_devis.html.twig #} {% extends 'artisan_v2/artisan.html.twig' %} {% block title %}Mes devis - {{ parent() }}{% endblock %} {% block body %} {{ render(controller('App\\Controller\\Artisan\\ArLayoutController::arServiceClient' )) }} {{ render(controller('App\\Controller\\Artisan\\ArLayoutController::breadcrumb', {'rubriques_id':rubriques_id, 'action':filariane_action} )) }}
Mes devis |
{% if row.nbr_vues > 0 %}
Ville : {{ row.cp }} {{ row.ville }} Service : {# { getServiceByKey(row.service_key) } #} {% if row.solution == 'nettoyage' %} Nettoyage {% elseif row.solution == 'depannage' %} Dépannage {% elseif row.solution == 'nuisible' %} Nuisible {% else %} {{ row.solution }} {% endif %} / {{ row.service }} {% if row.detail_service|length > 0 %} ({{ row.detail_service }}){% endif %} {% if isNumeric(row.surface) and row.surface > 0 %} {% if row.id > 13937 %} {{ row.surface_lab }}{% if row.surface_unite|length > 0 %} ({{ row.surface_unite }}){% endif %} : {{ row.surface }} {% else %} {% if row.service_key == 'assainissement_vidange_curage' %} Volume : {{ row.surface }} ㎥ {% elseif row.service_key == 'vitres' and row.creationDate|date('Y-m-d') > '2021-11-16' %} Nombre de fenêtres : {{ row.surface }} {% elseif row.service_key == 'merule' and row.id > 9827 %} Longueur (mètre courant) : {{ row.surface }} {% else %} Surface : {{ row.surface }} m² {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if row.frequence|length > 0 %} {% if row.id > 14617 %}{{ row.frequence_lab }}{% else %}Fréquence des interventions{% endif %} : {{ getFrequenceByKey(row.frequence) }} {% endif %} Description : {{ getNl2Br(row.description)|raw }} {{ getImagesDevisToArtisan(row.id, false)|raw }}