{# templates/superadmin/artisans/sa_gestion_artisans_list.html.twig #} {% extends 'superadmin/superadmin.html.twig' %} {% block title %}Gestion des Artisans - {{ parent() }}{% endblock %} {% block body %} {{ render(controller( 'App\\Controller\\Superadmin\\SaLayoutController::filAriane', {'rubriques_id':rubriques_id, 'action':filariane_action} )) }} {{ include('superadmin/layout/sa_actions.html.twig') }} {{ include('superadmin/layout/sa_debug.html.twig') }} {{ include('superadmin/layout/sa_alert.html.twig') }} {{ include('superadmin/artisans/sa_gestion_artisans_recherche.html.twig') }} {#
#} {{ include('superadmin/layout/sa_pagination.html.twig') }} {% if page <= nb_pages %} {% for k,row in listing %} {% endfor %}
ID {{ getDirection('id')|raw }} Société Adresse Email / Tél. Création / Inscription {{ getDirection('creation_date')|raw }} Dernière connexion {{ getDirection('derniere_connexion')|raw }} Chiffres Actions
{{ highLight(row.id, q)|raw }} {{ row.societe }} {% if row.gerant|length > 0 %}
Gérant : {{ row.gerant }}{% endif %} {% if row.siret|length > 0 %}
N° SIRET : {{ row.siret }}{% endif %} {% if row.tva|length > 0 %}
N° TVA : {{ row.tva }}{% endif %}
Adresse : {{ row.adresse }}
Code postal : {% if row.idVille > 0 %}{{ row.cp }}{% else %}{{ row.d_cp }}{% endif %}
Ville : {% if row.idVille > 0 %}{{ row.ville }}{% else %}{{ row.d_ville }}{% endif %}
{{ highLight(row.email, q)|raw }} {% if row.tel|length > 0 %}{% if row.email|length > 0 %}
{% endif %} {{ highLight(row.tel, q)|raw }}{% endif %} {% if row.mobile|length > 0 %}{% if (row.email|length > 0) or (row.tel|length > 0) %}
{% endif %} {{ highLight(row.mobile, q)|raw }}{% endif %} {% if row.mobileBis|length > 0 %}
{{ highLight(row.mobileBis, q)|raw }}{% endif %}
{{ row.creationDate | date('d-m-Y H:i') }} {% if row.derniere_connexion is not null %}{{ row.derniere_connexion | date('d-m-Y H:i') }}{% endif %} {% if k == 0 %} {{ getTdDirection('nbr_prospections')|raw }} Nbr prospections : {{ row.nbr_prospections }}
{{ getTdDirection('prospections_vues')|raw }} Prospections vues : {{ row.nbr_prosp_ouvert }}
{{ getTdDirection('nbr_reponses')|raw }} Nbr réponses : {% if row.nbr_reponses > 0 %} {{ row.nbr_reponses }}
{% else %} {{ row.nbr_reponses }}
{% endif %} -----
{{ getTdDirection('sms_envoyes')|raw }} Nbr SMS envoyés : {{ row.nbr_sms_envoy }}
{{ getTdDirection('sms_ouverts')|raw }} Nbr SMS ouverts : {{ row.nbr_sms_ouvert }}
{{ getTdDirection('nbr_connexions')|raw }} Nbr connexions : {{ row.nbr_connexions }}
{% else %} Nbr prospections : {{ row.nbr_prospections }}
Prospections vues : {{ row.nbr_prosp_ouvert }}
Nbr réponses : {% if row.nbr_reponses > 0 %} {{ row.nbr_reponses }}
{% else %} {{ row.nbr_reponses }}
{% endif %} -----
Nbr SMS envoyés : {{ row.nbr_sms_envoy }}
Nbr SMS ouverts : {{ row.nbr_sms_ouvert }}
Nbr connexions : {{ row.nbr_connexions }}
{% endif %}
{% if row.idVille > 0 and '-- Désinscription' not in row.email and '[a]' not in row.email %} {% if row.activated == 1 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{{ include('superadmin/layout/sa_pagination.html.twig') }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block javascripts %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %}