{# templates/superadmin_v2/devis/sa_devis_list.html.twig #} {% extends 'superadmin_v2/superadmin.html.twig' %} {% block title %}Demandes de Devis - {{ parent() }}{% endblock %} {% block stylesheets %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %} {% block body %} {{ render(controller('App\\Controller\\Superadmin\\SaLayoutController::breadcrumb', {'rubriques_id':rubriques_id, 'action':filariane_action} )) }} {{ include('superadmin_v2/layout/sa_tab.html.twig') }}
{{ include('superadmin_v2/layout/sa_debug.html.twig') }} {{ include('superadmin_v2/layout/sa_alert.html.twig') }}
{{ include('superadmin_v2/devis/sa_devis_recherche.html.twig') }} {{ include('superadmin_v2/layout/sa_paginator.html.twig') }}
{% if nb_pages >= page %} {% for k,row in listing %} {% endfor %}
ID Client Ville Description Date
Chiffres Actions
{{ highLight(row.id, id)|raw }} {{ row.prenom }} {{ row.nom }}   {% if row.typeClient == 'particulier' %} Particulier {% elseif row.typeClient == 'professionnel' %} Professionnel {% endif %}
{% if 16 in roles %}   {{ row.email }}
  {% if row.mobile_validated == 1 %} {{ row.tel }} {% else %} {% if row.id > 6742 %} {{ row.tel }} {% else %}{{ row.tel }}{% endif %} {% endif %}
  {{ row.adresse }} {% if row.adresseFacturation|length > 1 %}

Adresse de facturation : {{ getNl2Br(row.adresseFacturation)|raw }} {% endif %}
{% if row.validated == 0 and 11 in roles %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if row.susp_fausse_dde == 1 %}
Suspension d'une fausse demande
{% endif %}
{% if row.idVille > 0 %} {{ row.cp }}
{{ row.ville }}

({{ row.codeDepartement }}) {{ row.departement }} {% else %} {{ row.nomVille }} {% endif %}
{% if row.solution == 'nettoyage' %} Nettoyage {% elseif row.solution == 'depannage' %} Dépannage {% elseif row.solution == 'nuisible' %} Nuisible {% else %} {{ row.solution }} / {% endif %} {{ row.service }} {% if row.detail_service|length > 0 %} ({{ row.detail_service }}){% endif %}
{# % if row.surface matches '/^\\d+$/' and row.surface > 0 % #} {% if isNumeric(row.surface) and row.surface > 0 %}   {{ row.surface_lab }}{% if row.surface_unite|length > 0 %} ({{ row.surface_unite }}){% endif %} : {{ row.surface }}
{% else %} Surface : {{ row.surface }}
{% endif %} {% if row.frequence|length > 0 and row.frequence != '0' %}   {{ row.frequence_lab }} : {{ getFrequenceByKey(row.frequence) }}
{% endif %}
  Description :
{{ getNl2Br(row.description)|raw }} {% if 9 in roles %}
Modifier {% endif %}
{{ getImagesDevisToSuperadmin(row.id)|raw }}
{% if row.audio|length > 0 %}{{ getAudio(row.audio)|raw }}{% endif %}
{{ row.creationDate|date('d-m-Y H:i') }}
{# % if row.source == 'front' %} Site web {% else #} {% if row.source == 'interface_client' %} Interface
{% elseif row.source == 'formulaire_contact' %} Formulaire
de contact
{% elseif row.source == 'relancee' %} Relancée {% endif %}
{% if 20 in roles %} {# {{ dump(interventions_service) }}#} {# {{ row.codeDepartement ~ ' ' ~ row.surface ~ ' ' ~ interventions_service[row.service_key][row.detail_service_key][row.frequence].id_interventions_service }}#} {# {% set me_comm_init = {valeur_me: 122, comm_init_ht: 211} %}#} {% set me_comm_init = getValeurEstimeeMarche(row.codeDepartement, row.surface, interventions_service[row.service_key][row.detail_service_key][row.frequence].id_interventions_service ?? 0) %} {% if row.m_devis > 0 %} {% endif %} Commission initiale HT : {{ me_comm_init.comm_init_ht|raw }} {% if row.nbr_reponses > 0 %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if 9 in roles %} {% endif %}
Nbr artisans : {{ row.nbr_artisans_potentiel }}
Nbr prospections : {{ row.nbr_prospections }}
Nbr prosp. total : {% if row.nbr_prosp_total > 0 %} {{ row.nbr_prosp_total }} {% else %} 0 {% endif %}
Prospections vues : {{ row.nbr_prosp_ouvert }}
Nbr connexions : {{ row.nbr_connexions }}
Nbr réponses : {% if row.nbr_reponses > 0 %} {{ row.nbr_reponses }} {% else %} 0 {% endif %}
Nbr SMS envoyés : {{ row.nbr_sms_envoy }}
Nbr SMS ouverts : {{ row.nbr_sms_ouvert }}
Estimation marché (ME) : {{ me_comm_init.valeur_me|raw }}
MDevis : {{ row.m_devis }} €
Commissions HT : {{ row.sum_commissions }} €
( {{ row.detail_commissions }} )

{{ getNl2Br(row.note)|raw }}

{% if row.classified == 1 %} Clôturée {% if row.published == 1 %}
Validée {% else %} {% if 9 in roles %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if row.archived == 1 and 17 in roles %} {% else %}
{% if 9 in roles %} {% endif %} {% if 9 in roles %} {% endif %} {% if row.archived == 0 and 17 in roles %} {% endif %} {% if row.published == 1 and 9 in roles %} {% endif %}
{% if 10 in roles %} {# #} {% if row.nbr_prospections > 0 %} {# #} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if 19 in roles %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {# % if app.user.id == 1 or app.user.id == 2 %} {% endif % #}
{% endif %}
{% if nb_pages >= page %}{{ include('superadmin_v2/layout/sa_paginator.html.twig') }}{% endif %}
{{ include('superadmin_v2/layout/sa_footer.html.twig') }}
{% endblock %} {% block javascripts %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %}