{# templates/superadmin_v2/devis/sa_devis_list_reponses.html.twig #}
ID : {{ id }}
{# { getServiceByKey(service) } #}
{% if solution == 'nettoyage' %}
{% elseif solution == 'depannage' %}
{% elseif solution == 'nuisible' %}
{% else %}
{{ solution }}
{% endif %} / {{ data_service.service_nom }}
{% if data_service.detail_service_ind == 1 and id_detail_service > 0 and detail_service.detail_service_nom|length > 0 %} ({{ detail_service.detail_service_nom }}){% endif %}
{% if isNumeric(surface) and surface > 0 %}
{% if id > 0 %}
{% if data_service.detail_service_ind == 1 and id_detail_service > 0 %}
{{ detail_service.surface_lab }}{% if detail_service.surface_unite|length > 0 %} ({{ detail_service.surface_unite }}){% endif %} :
{% elseif data_service.detail_service_ind == 0 %}
{{ data_service.surface_lab }}{% if data_service.surface_unite|length > 0 %} ({{ data_service.surface_unite }}){% endif %} :
{% endif %}
{{ surface }}
{% else %}
{% if service == 'assainissement_vidange_curage' %}
Volume : {{ surface }} ㎥
{% elseif service == 'vitres' %}
Nombre de fenêtres : {{ surface }}
{% else %}
Surface : {{ surface }} m²
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Artisan | Réponse | Date d'envoi |
{{ row.artisan_id }}
{{ row.societe }} {% if row.validated == 1 %} Validée {% elseif row.canceled == 1 %} Annulée {% else %} En attente {% endif %} Nbr de réponses : {{ getNbrReponsesByArtisan(row.artisan_id) }} {% if row.id >= 5875 %} Commision HT : {{ row.comission_ttc }} € {% elseif row.id >= 3670 %} Commision HT : {{ row.comission_ht }} € {% endif %} {% if row.nbr_vues > 0 %} {{ row.nbr_vues }} {% else %} {% if row.validated %} {% set nbr_reponses_non_vue = nbr_reponses_non_vue + 1 %} {{ row.nbr_sms_sent }} SMS envoyés {% endif %} {% endif %} |
{{ row.date_envoi|date('d-m-Y') }} {{ row.date_envoi|date('H:i') }} |